Once you’ve made the decision to hire a ghostwriter, the next steps are to find the right ghostwriter and get to work.
A good ghostwriter will help you understand the client/writer relationship and set expectations that work for both of you. To get the most out of your ghostwriter, you’ll need to bring clear goals to the table from the start.
Here are six tips to help you work with a ghostwriter to grow your brand.
1. What You Do and Don’t Need in a Ghostwriter
Everyone wants to hire a ghostwriter with subject matter expertise. If you are a plastic surgeon and you can find a writer with a background in plastic surgery, super awesome. A writer who specializes in medical writing is a good choice too.
But don’t discount the writer who has the voice you want, even if she or he doesn’t have a medical background. Technically dense communication may be appropriate if your audience is B2B, but, if your target is consumers, you’ll need a ghostwriter who can translate complex technical concepts into prose that nonexperts can understand.
In fact, a ghostwriter who isn’t well versed in your field can be a blessing. You’ll have someone who can bring an outside perspective to your work and explain it in a way that a non-expert audience finds compelling.
This is the number one issue I come across when I’m writing for clients. When you work in an industry for years, it’s easy to get stuck in the technical jargon of your field. My job is to translate that into content that will engage your potential customers and help them understand and appreciate what you do.
2. Know Your Goals
What do you hope to achieve by adding a ghostwriter to your team? If you want to boost your own personal brand, get clear about where you want your ghostwritten content to position you. If you need page ranking for your business, SEO will be at the top of your list. If you know what you want to get out of your content, you’ll be able to assess the success of your ghostwriting strategy and adjust as needed.
3. Don’t Be a Cheapskate
Yes, there are a lot of freelancing platforms that offer the chance to hire cheap writers. There are blogging services that will pump out content for you for not much more.
If you just need to stuff a website with words, these cheap solutions might work for you (though keep an eye on this content to make sure it doesn’t land you on Google’s naughty list). If you want writing that will add value to your site, however, plan to pay your ghostwriter a reasonable fee.
The fee for a professional writer to produce a 1,000-word blog post or article can be anywhere from $100 to $700, depending on the writer’s level of experience and technical expertise, as well as the amount of research needed. What you get in return is a piece of evergreen content that will keep adding value to your site or your brand for years. What is that worth to you?
4. Tell Your Ghostwriter Everything
The more information you share with your ghostwriter – about your marketing goals, your SEO strategy, your insider knowledge – the more accurately your ghostwriter will be able to write what you would, if you had the time.
Don’t be afraid to course correct. I’m always grateful for feedback from my clients, even when they’re not telling me I’m fabulous. An honest critique is an important tool for building a better relationship with your ghostwriter.
5. Go Steady with Your Ghostwriter
You could go looking for someone new every time you need the services of a professional ghostwriter. This might seem like a good idea, if you don’t need help on a regular basis, but it isn’t.
I have one client who calls on me for help with writing and editing three or four times a year. He’s in a very technical B2B field. Despite the miniscule amount of content I provide for him, I’ve gotten familiar with his industry over the years. We have a nice working relationship that we can pick up after months of no communication. It’s lovely and easy for both of us.
6. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for More
A top-notch ghostwriter can do more for you than take on writing assignments. Your ghostwriter can help you bounce around ideas for blog posts or even pitch ideas to you.
One of my clients recently asked me a great question: “What other skills do you have?” My answer included project management and database development, in addition to newsletter writing and data analysis.
Just because you hired your ghostwriter to provide blog content, don’t assume she can’t also develop a great newsletter or email blast for you. Let your ghostwriter be your secret weapon.