About Me

I like to write. I’m good at it. I’d like to write for you.

As soon as I learned to read, I wanted to be a writer. My first book was the adventures of Carrie McNelson, a girl captured by pirates, which I read to the neighborhood kids. When I was 10, I published a little neighborhood newspaper and sold it door to door for 10 cents.

I was an English major (natch) at Yale, where I received a Scholar of the House fellowship for creative writing.

My work life has been diverse: paralegal, artist, business owner, clothing line manufacturer, nonprofit researcher, to name a few.

Through it all, I’ve been a writer. Since 2013, I’ve devoted myself to the craft full time, working as a freelance reporter for magazines and news websites while building a thriving business as a freelance writer and WordPress producer for a diverse set of clients.


Email Blasts

Zoom Meetings

Posts & Articles

% Organic Search Increase


“Laura’s writing style and the quality of her work is only surpassed by her valued ability to take an idea or concept and develop it into a compelling article, nearly (if not completely), autonomously.”

– Jake Rheude, VP of Marketing, Red Stag Fulfillment


My Skills

I write blog posts, web pages, articles, newsletters, email blasts and funnels, speeches, and ebooks.

I interview interesting people and write about them. Some of my pieces are ghostwriting and some are bylined.

I also publish blog posts and web pages in Word Press for my clients, adding images, block quotes, and lists to make the words pop off the page.


I write about business, entrepreneurship, travel, health, and legal issues. I’m a passionate communicator on the topics of bicycling and green infrastructure. Breaking down complex technical, scientific, and medical concepts into language that a lay person can understand is one of my favorite challenges. I’ve reported on real estate, finance, business, politics and more for local and national online news outlets and written for both B2B and consumer audiences.

My clients include nonprofits, financial companies, eCommerce service providers, educational programs, agencies, and law firms, to name a few.

  • Blog Posts & Articles
  • Newsletters and Email Blasts
  • Web Pages
  • Word Press Production
  • Production Management

 Good writing

makes the world a better place. 

let’s talk about how I can help